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Benziger, Louis Jadot and Bodegas Roda Named “Top 100 Wineries of the Year” by Wine & Spirits Magazine

September 19, 2012

The Wine&Spirits “Top 100 Wineries of the Year” is a list of producers that have earned recognition for “best overall performance” in W&S tastings throughout the year. Every year, the W&S Winter Buying Guide is an expanded form of the Top 100 list.

Info on Wine&Spirits Top 100 Wineries of the Year.

Learn more about Benziger Family Winery, Maison Louis Jadot and Bodegas Roda.

Each fall, the chosen wineries are featured in the W&S Top 100 Tasting in San Francisco. This year, the event takes place on Wednesday, October 17, 2012 from 6:30-8:30pm, at City View at METREON. Click the button below for details.

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