In the year 1894, amidst the picturesque setting of Pisticci, Italy, Pasquale Vena’s dedication to herbology and innovation led him to create Amaro Lucano. Despite wartime challenges and setbacks, Pasquale, along with his son Leonardo and nephew Giuseppe, persevered, founding a small-scale operation before expanding production in the 1960s. Today, guided by generations of tradition, the Vena family proudly maintains the secret recipe of Amaro Lucano, ensuring its enduring legacy since 1894.

Lucano Anniversario Sambuca is the ideal after dinner drink. This is a quality liqueur offering a classic expression of this Italian favorite.

91 Points
Tasting Panel
Tasting Note

The finely balanced recipe has a traditional anise flavor and delicate hints of spices and flowers, making the liqueur full-bodied and well-rounded.

Technical Data
ABV: 40%
Unique Selling Points
  • Can be enjoyed neat, with ice, in the classic ”Fly” (with coffee bean) or with coffee
  • Quality expression of an Italian favorite
  • Ideal after dinner drink
  • Imported from Italy
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